
How to Download and Decrypt Audiobooks Using Audible CLI

Discover how to effortlessly manage your audiobooks with this step-by-step guide. Learn to download, decrypt, and convert Audible files using audible-cli and snowcrypt. Unlock the freedom to enjoy your audiobook collection anytime, anywhere!

How to Download and Decrypt Audiobooks Using Audible CLI

Audiobooks are an excellent way to consume knowledge or entertainment on the go. This guide will walk you through downloading and decrypting audiobooks using audible-cli and snowcrypt.

Step 1: Download the Audible CLI Tool

We will use the Audible CLI to manage our audiobooks. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and Extract:
    • Download the audible-cli tool from this link.
    • Extract the contents to a directory on your system.

Step 2: Quickstart Setup

Get started with the Audible CLI tool by following these simple instructions:

  1. Initialize Audible CLI:
    • Run ./audible quickstart from the command line.
    • Follow the instructions provided by the tool.
    • After setup, configuration details will be saved at ~/.audible. You can review these files for additional information.

Step 3: Export Your Audible Library

Next, download the details of your Audible library:

  1. Export Library:
    • Use the command: ./audible library export.
    • This will generate a file named library.tsv, containing details about all your audiobooks.
  2. Check the Contents:
    • Open the library.tsv file to explore the information about your audiobooks, including their unique identifiers (asin).

Step 4: Download an Audiobook

Once you have identified the audiobook you want to download:

  1. Find the ASIN:
    • Locate the asin for your desired audiobook in library.tsv.
  2. Download the Audiobook:
    • Use the command: ./audible download -a <ASIN> --aaxc.
    • Example: To download a specific book, you can run: ./audible download -a B079CBS9J5 --aaxc.

Step 5: Decrypt and Convert the Audiobook

Audible audiobooks are DRM-protected. To decrypt and convert them, use the snowcrypt tool:

  1. Install Snowcrypt:

    • Install the tool using pip: pip install snowcrypt.
  2. Decrypt the File:

    • Use the command:

      snowcrypt <input-file>.aaxc -b <activation_bytes>
    • Example:

      snowcrypt Living_Without_Stress_or_Fear_Essential_Teachings_on_the_True_Source_of_Happiness-AAX_22_64.aaxc -b d9d9c009
    • The activation_bytes can be found in the audible.json file located at ~/.audible.

    • Your converted file with .m4a. extension will be available in the same folder after the decryption! (e.g. Living Without Stress or Fear/ Essential Teachings on the True Source of Happiness.m4a)


With these steps, you can easily download, decrypt, and enjoy your audiobooks without limitations. The combination of audible-cli and snowcrypt provides a powerful and user-friendly approach to managing your audiobook collection.

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