Setup a Static Blog Using Hugo on AWS
In this post, I will leverage a nodejs based tool called s3-website that I had discovered in an earlier project.
Install awscli
As mentioned here, install awscli using:
curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
Check awscli
version using:
which aws
aws --version
Install s3-website
npm install -g s3-website
This requires valid credentials to be present in ~/.aws/credentials
Create an s3 bucket
s3-website create
s3-website create
Setting up⌗
create a new hugo site
hugo new site --force www-n0c0de
add a theme
cd www-n0c0de
git submodule add themes/hugo-serif-theme
add theme to hugo site
echo 'theme = "hugo-serif-theme"' >> config.toml
add example content from the theme
cp -a themes/hugo-serif-theme/exampleSite/. .
start the hugo server
hugo server -t hugo-serif-theme
hugo server -p8086 -D
build hugo
HUGO_ENV=production hugo
# hugo -D
create a certificate
Create an AWS SSL certificate at
DNS verify the certificate using the Manage DNS section in Namecheap
Setup CDN
As mentioned here, create a CDN for
Using Cloudfront we use their CDN, enforce only access the bucket throught Cloudfront and HTTPS usage, and handle pretty URLs in combination with a Lambda Edge function.
Click Create distribution
In the Delivery method for your content page, select the Web/Get Started button
Enter ONLY the following data:
- origin: Click inside the text input and a list of your buckets will appear, select
- Restrict Bucket Access: Select Yes; more options will appear
- Origin Access Identity: Select or create an Access Identity
- i used create a new identity
- Grant Read Permissions on Bucket: Select Yes, Update Bucket Policy so Amazon automatically handle your S3 bucket permissions
- In Default Cache Behavior Settings section:
- Viewer Protocol Policy: Select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- Compress objects automatically: Select Yes to Compress Content when possible
- In Distribution Settings section:
- Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs): enter
- In Default Root Object: index.html.
- Select Custom SSL Certificate (
- And press the Request or Import a Certificate with ACM button. You will be redirected to AWS Certificate Manager to create a new certificate, in this page add the two domain names:
- Then click Next and validate your certificate.
- After you have the certificate, go back to Cloudfront settings page and select your newly created certificate from the list at Distribution Settings/SSL Certificate/Custom SSL Certificate.
- Click Create distribution at the bottom of the page
- Make CloudFront able to access to your S3 bucket by going to the Origins and Origin Group tab, edit the existing origin, in Grant Read Permissions on Bucket select Yes, Update Bucket Policy, and save changes, it will automatically generate the following policy:
- Origin Access Identity: Select or create an Access Identity
Handle Pretty URLs
As mentioned here, we can handle pretty URLs for the hugo website.
First a bit of background.
Hugo by default generates web pages like /index.html at its /public directory.
As we have our S3 bucket private, accessing a webpage like won’t request our To handle this we use a Lambda@Edge function.
This function does (source):
URI paths that end in
are redirected to.../
with an HTTP status code 301 Moved Permanently. (This is the same as an “external” redirect by a webserver). -
URI paths that do not have an extension and do not end with a
are redirected to the same path with an appended/
with an HTTP status code 301 Moved Permanently. (This is an “external” redirect)
4.1 Lambda@Edge Function Installation⌗
We use the function standard-redirects-for-cloudfront, to install it via the Serverless Application Repository:
Press the Deploy button to use the application standard-redirects-for-cloudfront.
It opens a description of the app, hit Deploy again to finish deploying it.
After it has been created, locate the button View CloudFormation stack or go directly to the Cloudformation Console
In the Resources tab, locate the AWS::IAM::Role and open the Physical ID, it will open up the IAM console
Go to Trust Relationship tab and choose Edit the trust relationship to allow CloudFront to execute this function as a Lambda@Edge function., set the policy to:
Go back to the Cloudformation’s Stack Detail page and in the Output tab, locate the key StandardRedirectsForCloudFrontVersionOutput and note down its Value (it will look something like:
). We will use it in the next steps as this is the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the Lambda function that we will use in Cloudfront. -
Go back to the CloudFront console, select the
distribution -
Go to the Behaviour tab and edit the default Behavior.
Now we use the Lambda function, in Lambda Function Association select Event Type/Origin Request and enter the Lambda function’s StandardRedirectsForCloudFrontVersionOutput ARN value from the previous step.
Wait for the CloudFront distribution to deploy.
5. Error page⌗
If we try to access a URL that doesn’t exist on our S3 bucket,
we will get a 403
Forbidden error code because Cloudfront tries to access a object2
that doesn’t exists, so to properly handle this, we should return a
404 error response to the request.
Setting up the error page on S3 wouldn’t have any effect because this is an error that should be handled by Cloudfront.
To do this, we configure CloudFront to respond to requests using
Hugo’s custom error page located at
, when your origin returns an HTTP 403 permission denied.
- Go to Cloudfront console:
- Select your
distribution - Choose the Error Pages tab.
- Press Create Custom Error Response button.
- In HTTP Error Code, select:
403: Forbidden
- Customize Error Response:
- Response Page Path:
- HTTP Response Codeo:
404: Not Found
Deploy to s3
s3-website deploy public
Create a Certificate
Create an AWS SSL certificate at
For DNS verification on NameCheap that hosted my domain, I used the following for the CNAME
HOST: _2d07d8f@#$#@$#@$ (NOTE, I omitted everything after the subdomain!)
VALUE: _669cb@#$#@$#@$#cdb.zdx@#$#@$#@$ (This is as provided in the cert wizard!)
Copy the certid: ef3#@@#2-@#$8-#@$1-@#$d-5b@#$@%$2803
Setup a CDN for
Follow instructions at Deploying a Hugo website to AWS in 6 steps (CDN+HTTPS) | Simple IT 🤘 Rocks
Build hugo
HUGO_ENV=production hugo
# hugo -D
Deploy to s3
s3-website deploy public