Create Contact Form In Hugo Using AWS Lambda Serverless

Here is a very quick way to setup a contact form in hugo. Is it possible to add a contact form to a site? - support - HUGO I decided to hack this using n8n

got this from postman! curl –location –request POST '' \ –form 'name=Santosh Srinivas' \ –form '' IMPORTANT:

To ensure authorization to work correctly with n8n. I had to do the following: Set export NODE_ENV=production while starting n8n as mentioned here: credit: Strange behavior of self-hosted version · Issue #595 · n8n-io/n8n Set nginx config as below as mentioned here My final nginx config was:

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Start a Static Blog With Hugo

Installation Follow the steps at: Quick Start | Hugo hugo server -D hugo server -t terminal Head over to http://localhost:1313/ to see the site live Usage Create a new blog post: hugo new posts/ hugo new posts/ Adding tags and catgories to blog posts credit: How to add tag and category - support - HUGO Themes Find a theme of your choice at one of the following places: gohugoio/hugoThemes: A curated directory of Hugo themes For my blog I found a theme from: blog | Hugo Themes Resources Static Hosting With AWS and user-friendly URLs | by Juan Cruz Martinez | Medium Deploying a Hugo website to AWS in 6 steps (CDN+HTTPS) | Simple IT 🤘 Rocks Static Hosting With AWS and user-friendly URLs | by Juan Cruz Martinez | Medium Web-Based Editor?
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